More options to make cover
more affordable.
At the heart of every Health+ policy is exceptional core cover. Our benefit add-ons and policy choices give you the flexibility you need to shape a policy to your client's exact needs and budget.

With our traditional option your client can choose from three hospital lists. Their GP can refer them to any named specialist that can be accessed on their chosen list.

With our guided option, your client's GP makes an open referral and we carefully select a shortlist of specialists based on your client's needs.
Guided is a more affordable option than traditional, however, there is no difference in the quality of the core cover.
Whether your client chooses Health+ traditional or guided, you can enhance the core cover at extra cost by adding any of the following benefit add-ons:
Out-patient cover
You can choose to enhance out-patient cover to include specialist fees and diagnostic tests such as X-rays, ECGs and pathology tests.
CT, MRI and PET scans, as well as all treatment and consultations related to diagnosed cancer, are included under core cover.
Unlimited out-patient diagnostics
If your client chooses a limit on out-patient cover of either £500 or £1,000 per year, your client can upgrade this with unlimited out-patient diagnostics.
This means that out-patient diagnostic tests are covered in full, and only specialist consultation fees are deducted from your clients' chosen out-patient limit.
Mental health cover
By adding mental health cover your client is covered for specialist treatments as an in-patient or day-patient including accommodation and nursing for up to 28 days.
Out-patient consultations and treatment by psychologists and cognitive behavioural therapists are also covered in full.
Therapies cover
With our additional therapies cover, following a GP or specialist referral, your client can get access to a physiotherapist, chiropractor, osteopath, acupuncturist, podiatrist, speech therapist, pain clinic or two consultations with a dietician.
Every additional benefit selected will increase your client's monthly premium.
With Health+ your client has a choice of the following excess amounts:
As you’d expect, the lower the excess amount, the higher the premium.
Full medical underwriting
With full medical underwriting, your client will need to complete a full medical declaration, including details of the medical history of all family applicants. This means any pre-existing conditions will be excluded unless we agree to accept them.
The advantage of this option is it gives us a complete picture of your client's health so normally results in more cost-effective premiums.
Standard Moratorium
With Standard Moratorium, your client won’t need to provide information about their medical history when they join. For the first two years of membership, we won’t cover any medical conditions they’ve had in the last five years before joining us.
However, as long as there has been a clear two-year period after the start of their policy during which they have been free of symptoms, medication, treatment and advice in connection with that condition, they'll be covered for it in the future.
Continued Moratorium
This option is designed to let your client continue the moratorium period that already applies to their existing private medical insurance policy with another provider. They will need to provide a certificate from their previous insurer with the application. They will also need to answer a few questions about recent or planned medical conditions or treatment.
In line with most other insurers, our Continued Moratorium works on a two-year rolling basis, similar to our Standard Moratorium option explained above. The only difference is that the moratorium period will be from the start date of your client's current policy, not their new policy with The Exeter.
This means that pre-existing conditions may be covered by us if they have been free of symptoms, medication, treatment and advice in connection with them for a two-year period. We may also apply additional medical exclusions to their policy.
Continued personal medical exclusions
This option is designed to allow your client the opportunity to carry across the personal medical exclusions from their existing policy, where the current policy is on a Full Medical Underwriting or Continued Personal Medical Exclusions basis.
They will need to provide a certificate from their previous insurer with the application and also answer a few questions about recent or planned medical conditions or treatment.
Remember, even if your client already has health insurance with another provider, they can apply as a new customer using our Full Medical Underwriting or Standard Moratorium options.

Plus all Health+ members also get access to:
The free members app that provides quick and convenient medical advice and treatments through smartphone or tablet and can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
- Remote GP appointments
- Second medical opinion
- Physiotherapy
- Mental health support
- Registered dietitian consultations
- Lifestyle and nutrition consultations
- Annual Health MOT